Monday, October 28, 2019

late October viewing

A couple of posts ago, there is a foto of the first stage of scaffolding. With the orange screening the Garfield Monument looks like a business building, or hotel.

Some trees have good color
Lake View does maintain the grounds. There were men and equipment in several places to-day. They hired some serious tree trimmers.

She was a good doctor

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Monday, July 15, 2019

cleaning Garfield

Scaffold is neat, there is scaffold going up around the Garfield Monument, which is being cleaned. For a couple of weeks, the entrance will be closed; after that visitors can return while outside work will continue. There is an information tent nearby. We came with the hounds Friday, the guy there was happy to see us. He was bored, and once had a saluki. A family from out of town came by next, they expressedly came to tour the monument and were disappointed.
 power washing a century of soot away
Before the scaffolding went up, a drone counted sixteen trees growing on the monument. Tuck pointing will be done.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

wearing of the green

Cleveland's Lake View Cemetery allows people to stroll with hounds. There is not much decoration around graves. But someone decided to decorate for St. Patrick's Day of the Irish.