St. Anthony rivals St. Francis in affection amongst people. In Catholic churches, if there are statues beyond those of the Holy Family (Jesus, Mary and Joseph), there is probably one of Anthony of Padua. This devotion is not surprising to also be found in the graveyard.
The 'T' is the Tau cross of the Franciscans. St. Anthony is usually portrayed holding the infant Jesus. In Anthony's last season (spring 1231) he was a guest of Count Tiso. One night Tiso passed by and saw the apparition of Jesus as an infant in conversation with Jesus.
Other iconography common to Anthony is the lily (as above), a symbol of purity; and bread, a symbol of charity. As most celebrated saints visages are now unknown, symbols of their legend identify them in art.
The 'T' is the Tau cross of the Franciscans. St. Anthony is usually portrayed holding the infant Jesus. In Anthony's last season (spring 1231) he was a guest of Count Tiso. One night Tiso passed by and saw the apparition of Jesus as an infant in conversation with Jesus.
Other iconography common to Anthony is the lily (as above), a symbol of purity; and bread, a symbol of charity. As most celebrated saints visages are now unknown, symbols of their legend identify them in art.